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Te kaupapa whakawehe i te wai ua-tātā i Lower Khyber Pass

Lower Khyber Pass stormwater separation project

About the stormwater separation project

We are upgrading the stormwater network along Lower Khyber Pass and Kingdon Street.

We are also providing a new separated stormwater connection to the University of Auckland campus to improve water quality and reduce flooding.

Properties connected to the combined stormwater and wastewater network will be separated to reduce wet weather overflows.

The project is funded by the Water Quality Targeted Rate.

It is the first major infrastructure project of the eastern isthmus water quality improvement programme.

What we are doing

University of Auckland

The university campus is currently connected to the combined stormwater and wastewater network.

A new manhole and stormwater pipe will be installed on the campus and connected to the existing stormwater tunnel on Kingdon Street.

Separating the university campus from the combined network will help reduce pressure on the combined network and reduce wet weather overflows.

Kingdon Street

The stormwater pipe on Kingdon Street is at the end of its life.

A larger pipe will be installed to increase the stormwater network’s capacity.

Any properties currently connected to the combined network will be separated and connected to the new stormwater pipe.

Lower Khyber Pass

The stormwater pipe on Lower Khyber Pass, between Kingdon Street and Osbourne Street, is at the end of its life.

A larger pipe will be installed to increase the stormwater network’s capacity.

Any properties connected to the combined network will be separated and connected to the new stormwater pipe.

How this will impact you

Construction is expected to begin in September 2024 and take approximately 23 weeks to complete.

Kingdon Street will be closed to vehicles for approximately six weeks while we work. Our traffic management specialists will work with directly impacted residents and businesses to maintain access during this time.

A partial road closure will be in place while we complete works along Lower Khyber Pass. An approved traffic management plan will be in place to reduce the impact. More information will be available closer to the project start date.

We are in the process of finalising our resource consent application. Once resource consent is granted, we will confirm our working hours.

During work hours, there will be some construction noise, large truck movements, vibrations and possibly dust. Noise, dust, and vibrations will be closely monitored to ensure they remain within required limits.

Contact us

Email us at for more information on our project, or to join our mailing list.

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