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You should know

Our next property revaluations are now in progress. We expect to send valuation notices to property owners in 2025. We will use the new property values to assess your rates from July 2025.

37-55 Madden Street

Auckland Central, 1010

Record of title

NA767/226, NA767/243, NA767/233

Legal description

Lot 2 DP 25871, Lot 3 DP 25871, Lot 4 BLK II DP 25871, Lot 1 DP 25871, Lot 7 BLK II Deeds Reg 226, Lot 8 BLK II Deeds Reg 226, Lot 9 BLK II Deeds Reg 226, Lot 10 BLK II Deeds Reg 226, Lot 11 BLK II Deeds Reg 226, Lot 1 BLK II Deeds Reg 226, Lot 2 BLK II

Latest property valuations as at 1 June 2021

Capital Value (CV) 


A change in your property's capital value doesn't mean your rates will automatically change. Rate levels are set during the council's budget process.


Land value


Value of improvements 


Valuation number


Rates this year 2024/2025

$358,414.64 Pay rates

This rates amount is based on the Capital Value from 1 June 2021.

Rates assessment number


Detailed rates breakdown

Rate calculations.
Type of rate Calculation Total rate
Business Improvement District Heart Of The City
Capital Value $60,000,000 x 0.00029988
Total rate
City Centre Targeted Rate
Capital Value $60,000,000 x 0.00106643
Total rate
Climate Action Transport Targeted Rate - Urban Business
Capital Value $60,000,000 x 0.00009434
Total rate
General Rate - Urban Business
Capital Value $60,000,000 x 0.00443010
Total rate
Natural Environment Targeted Rate - Business
Capital Value $60,000,000 x 0.00006098
Total rate
Uniform Annual General Charge
Number of separate parts 1 x $493.04
Total rate
Water Quality Targeted Rate - Business
Capital Value $60,000,000 x 0.00001363
Total rate
Total rates assessed for 2024/2025 (NO GST)

Land area


If your property is a cross lease or a unit title, the land area will appear as 0m2.

Land use

Commercial car parking

Local board


Total floor area


Total floor area includes attached buildings only, including attached garages.

Building site coverage


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