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Te tono i tētahi takaroatanga mō te utu reiti ā-whare

Request a postponement of a property rates payment

Postponing all or part of your rates payments for an agreed period of time might be an option, if you have the required equity in your property.

Criteria for postponing rates payments

You must meet the following criteria to be considered for rates postponement:

  • You must be the current owner of the rating unit and have owned the property for at least two years.
  • You must use the rating unit solely as your residence.
  • The postponed rates will not exceed 80 per cent of the available equity in the property. The available equity is the difference between our valuation of the property at the most recent revaluation and the value of any debt against the property if you have insured the property for its full value.
  • You or your authorised agent must apply.

Conditions of postponing rates payments

  • We recommend you ask for advice from a financial adviser on the impact of postponing your rates and if it is a good option for you.
  • We will postpone payment of the residual rates if you meet the criteria.
  • We may add a postponement fee each year to the postponed rates. The fee will cover the period from when the rates were originally due to when they are paid. The fee will not exceed our administrative and financial costs of the postponement.
  • We will apply the postponement from the beginning of the rating year when you apply for postponement, although we may backdate the postponement application, depending on the circumstances.
  • Once the postponed rates are equal to, or greater than, 80 per cent of the available equity in the property, no further rates will be postponed. Postponed rates no longer apply and must be repaid immediately (including any fees):
    • when you die
    • or when you no longer own the rating unit
    • or when you stop living at the property
    • or on a date we set in a particular case.
  • You can pay all or part of the postponed rates at any time.
  • You can choose to postpone a lesser amount of rates than the full amount that you would be entitled to postpone under the policy.
  • Postponed rates will be registered as a statutory land charge on the rating unit's title.
  • To postpone your rates, you need to provide evidence every year of:
    • your property insurance
    • the debt against the property, including mortgages and loan.

How to apply

Download and complete the postponement of rates payments for residential properties form.


Email your completed form with supporting documents.


Post your completed form with supporting documents to:

Auckland Council

  Attn: Rates team

  Private Bag 92300

  Victoria Street

  Auckland 1142



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