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Māori Outcomes Directorate

Ngā Mātārae

Ngā Mātārae helps us deliver on Māori Outcomes across the Auckland Council group. It is the Māori Outcomes directorate at Auckland Council and it is led by Tumuaki Huanga Māori (Director Māori Outcomes) Nick Turoa.

The role of Ngā Mātārae

Ngā Mātārae supports the council group (including council-controlled organisations) to deliver on Māori outcomes by:

  • setting strategic direction
  • enhancing organisational capability, systems, processes and performance
  • facilitating strategic relationships and Māori participation in decision-making.

What the name Ngā Mātārae means

Ngā Mātārae refers to the prominent landmarks, particularly the maunga of Tāmaki Makaurau that are symbolic of the mana whenua groups affiliated to them.

Structure of Ngā Mātārae

Ngā Mātārae is focused on strategy and relationships.

Our mahi is supported by divisional Māori Outcomes Leads who sit on the leadership teams of:

  • Group Services
  • Chief Planning Office
  • Community and Customer Services
  • Regulatory
  • Infrastructure and Environmental Services.

Kia Ora Tāmaki Makaurau

Our work is guided by our Māori Outcomes Performance Measurement Framework, Kia Ora Tāmaki Makaurau, which received committee approval in August 2020.

Get a copy of the document

Our commitment to Māori

Auckland Council is committed to meeting its legal obligations to Māori, including responsibilities derived from Te Tiriti o Waitangi.

We outline our commitment to Māori through our key strategic planning documents:

We work alongside 19 council-recognised mana whenua iwi/hapū.

Tāmaki Makaurau is also home to a large group of urban Māori who mainly live in south and west Auckland.

Māori Outcomes Report

Auckland Council Group produces an annual Māori Outcomes Report.
Te Pūrongo a Te Kaunihera o Tāmaki Makaurau Ngā Huanga Māori - Auckland Council Group Māori Outcomes Report 2021-2022 speaks to how we have responded to challenges and showcases achievements and progress over the financial year.

Get a copy of the report

Further information

For enquiries, email

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