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Hono mā te ipurangi ki tētahi wā ako tohutohu utukore

Connect online to a free advice session

You can book a 15-minute free advice meeting to be held online. Use the session to get advice on your project prior to applying for a consent.

​How to connect with us online

The 15-minute online meeting will be made using Microsoft Teams – an application you can download and use for free. You do not need to create an account.

We will email you the details of the meeting’s date and time. The email will also feature a link titled, “Join Microsoft Teams Meeting”. Clicking on this link at the scheduled time will connect you online to our staff member.

Alternatively, if you have any issues connecting, we’ll call you using the phone number you provided us with.

For more on connecting online, see How to join a Teams meeting as a guest.



We recommend you test Microsoft Teams prior to the scheduled meeting to ensure it is operating correctly.

Types of advice available

We offer free online advice sessions for:

  • building
  • engineering.

We do not offer free online advice sessions for planning. To avoid application processing delays, it is important you engage a professional.

To book or cancel an online meeting

Call our Customer Services team on 09 301 0101.

Following your online meeting

If you want a more comprehensive session, book a pre-application guidance meeting.

If you have applied for a consent and require an update, contact your processing officer or call our Customer Services team on 09 301 0101.

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