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Tīkina he whakaaetanga ki te whakamahi i ngā hua me ngā rawa hōu mō ngā hanganga hōu

Get an approval to use new products and materials for new infrastructure

Why you need an approval to use new products and materials

We must approve any new materials and products that are used in infrastructure assets that will be operated and maintained by the council.

We do this to ensure we meet our guidelines and standards.

Auckland's investment in its infrastructure has a value of hundreds of millions of dollars in construction, maintenance, and renewal of assets.

The size and complexity of this investment requires that the lifespan of infrastructure assets provides best value to our ratepayers.

We currently specify a design life of up to and beyond 100 years for most infrastructure assets.

How to get an approval to use new products and materials

To get an approval to use new materials or products, complete the application form.

Once you have completed the form, email it to or post the form to:

Attention: Technical Guidance Practice Lead

  Technical Design and Guidance Team

  Engineering and Technical Services

  Auckland Council

  Private Bag 92300

  Auckland 1142

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