Ngā aratohu mō ngā tono whakaaetanga pūkaha
Guidelines for engineering approval applications
Professional advice for engineering approval
The engineering approval process applies to infrastructure works that are either:
- already publicly owned
- will be managed by us for the life of the asset.
To ensure the design and construction of the assets is fit for purpose, key phases of the process need to be undertaken by qualified and experienced professionals. This ensures Auckland ratepayers are not burdened with unreasonably high future maintenance and renewal costs.
To design and supervise the work, you will need a NZ Chartered Professional Engineer or registered professional surveyor with experience in land development and infrastructure.
For more specific advice, read the Code of Practice for Land Development and Subdivision documents. These are available on the
Auckland Design Manual website. Select 'Regulations' from the tab options and then navigate to the '8. Infrastructure Code of Practice' dropdown menu. You can download the relevant code of practice document underneath each chapter.
For projects involving water and wastewater, it is important to review Watercare's compliance policies and standards. For more information, visit:
What you need to apply for an engineering approval
You need to provide the following items before we can issue an Engineering Approval Certificate for public drainage, watermain and road works:
- completed application form signed by chartered professional engineer/licensed cadastral surveyor, applicant and agent (if applicable)
- three sets of plans including an A3 set, named, dated and uniquely numbered include digital PDF files
- relevant engineering standard details
- catchment plans where appropriate, such as drainage and watermains
- any relevant correspondence between the council, Watercare Services Limited and Auckland Transport and the applicant or their agent, regarding this work
- sketch of proposed works on our service plans
- site photographs (for design context)
- supporting calculations
- permission from affected public and private landowners for work on their land
- details of tree protection, arborist report or tree approval
- details of other services
- other approvals granted
- deposit.
If you provide all the above documentation, we can approve the Engineering Approval Certificate for public drainage, watermain and road works within 20 working days.
Document naming standards for online engineering approval applications
Use the recommended naming standards when you make an online engineering approval application.
This will help us process your application faster.
Engineering common accessway applications
Application plans |
Engineering plan and long section |
Record of Title |
Specialist report (optional) |
Engineering report for retrospective driveways |
Calculations and specifications |
Gradients |
Producer statement |
PS |
Technical literature |
NA |
Plans |
Engineering plans |
Certificate of Design Work |
Signed application form |
Landowner / affected party approval (optional) |
Additional documents (optional) |
Prior arrangement (pre-application meeting minutes), approved resource consent (gradients and non-complying widths and building consent for retaining and drainage)
Engineering plan approval application
Application plans |
Engineering plan and long section |
Record of Title |
Specialist report (optional) |
Infrastructure report (asset specific report), CCTV for existing pipe (if applicable) |
Calculations and specifications |
Catchment analysis, capacity calculation |
Producer statement |
PS |
Technical literature |
Asset Owner Code of Practice (SWCOP, Watercare Code of Practice and ATCOP, Parks COP) |
Plans |
Engineering plans |
Certificate of Design Work |
Signed application form |
Landowner / affected party approval (optional) |
Additional documents (optional) |
Prior arrangement (pre-application meeting minutes) |
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