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Ngā mahi e āhei ana mō te kawe para pāmu miraka kau

Transfer of farm dairy discharge permitted activities

When to transfer farm dairy discharge permitted activities

Farm dairy discharge permitted activities do not have a specified period.

If the activity has stopped, you should email the regional consents team to let us know.

If you've sold the farm and the new owner is continuing the activity, you should transfer the notification to them.

Both you and the new owner need to sign the transfer form.

How to tell us about a transfer

 By email

​Scan the completed form and email it to:

 By post

​Return the completed form by post to:

Auckland Council
Regulatory support central
Resource Consents department
Private Bag 92300
Auckland 1142

What happens next

We will complete the transfer within 20 working days, and invoice the transfer fee to the nominated party.

The original notification holder remains responsible for compliance with conditions and all related fees and charges until we have completed the transfer.



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