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Ngā whatunga kākāriki-kahurangi

Blue-green networks

Blue-green networks help to keep our communities safe during severe weather events.

Blue-green networks explained

A blue-green network is a system of waterways (blue) and parks (green) that:

  • give stormwater space to flow
  • help reduce flooding where people live.

What we want to do

Following the severe weather in Auckland in early 2023, we are considering how we interact with water in our populated neighbourhoods. Creating more blue-green networks in suitable locations can make our communities safer.

As part of our Making Space for Water 10-year flood mitigation programme, we identified 12 potential areas around the region that could most benefit from blue-green networks..

How blue-green networks work

In dry weather the community can enjoy these parks. During storms the parks may flood, moving water away from and reducing flooding on private property.

Watch our video that explains blue-green networks.


Read the video transcript.

Current blue-green networks

Blue-green networks already exist in the region and are helping to manage stormwater during severe weather events.

Examples include:

  • Awakeri Wetlands
  • Hobsonville Point
  • Long Bay
  • Greenslade Reserve
  • Te Auanga / Oakley Creek
  • Taiaotea Creek
  • Waiatarua wetlands
  • Taniwha Reserve
  • Puhinui Stream
  • Project Twin Streams.

​Potential new blue-green network locations

This map shows where we are considering blue-green networks.

Some projects may not proceed and could be replaced by different areas as we learn more.

Planned blue-green network projects

Projects to begin in 2024

We are staging the development of blue-green projects. The first two projects underway are:

We estimate the construction of these projects will begin at the end of 2024. They are expected to take approximately 18 months to complete.

Other projects

The second group of blue-green projects are in the planning and development stages.

They are:

  • Clover Drive – Ranui (including Waimoko Stream, Swanson)
  • Te Auaunga Stream – Mt Roskill
  • Kumeū River – Kumeū
  • Wairau Creek – Nile Road and Totaravale, North Shore
  • Whangapouri Creek - Pukekohe.

Smaller projects are also being considered for:

  • Whau Stream – Blockhouse Bay / Lynfield
  • Opanuku Stream – Henderson
  • Ōpoutūkeha / Cox's Creek – Grey Lynn
  • Epsom.

These projects are all different in terms of:

  • scale
  • complexity
  • resourcing
  • costs.

Delivery will depend on securing central government co-funding.

Construction will likely begin from 2026 onwards. We aim to complete the other blue-green networks over the following 10 years.

Reduce further risk to properties

Blue-green networks are related to the Category 3 buy-out proposal organised by the Recovery Office. This process will help move people from properties where there is an intolerable risk to life.

Blue-green networks will likely be built around Category 3 properties where communities will benefit the most.

Funding and buy-outs will determine where and how many blue-green networks can be built.

Next steps

The consultation to approve and fund blue-green networks ran from 28 February to 28 March 2024 as part of the Long-term Plan 2024-2034 (10-year Budget) decision making process.

The Governing Body adopted the Long-term Plan 2024-2034 on 27 June 2024.

We are engaging with mana whenua, local boards and key stakeholders in the four initial project areas to establish working groups.

We are also working alongside mana whenua to develop a framework (He Ara) for achieving our commitment to Māori outcomes.

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