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Te Whakawātea mō te Wai

Making Space for Water

​Making Space for Water explained

Making Space for Water is a $760 million, 10-year programme to:

  • prepare for floods
  • reduce flood risks in our stormwater systems.

We launched the programme in 2024 in response to the severe storms in early 2023.

Making Space for Water is:

What we want to do 

Our changing climate is causing intense rainfall which can lead to flooding.

While we cannot stop the rain or completely remove flooding risks, we can make changes to:

  • give water more space to flow safely through our neighbourhoods
  • reduce the damage caused by flooding.

The programme will make Auckland stronger and help us get ready for future weather challenges.

We all have a role to play in maintaining the stormwater network and minimising the impacts of flooding.

We aim to:

  • reduce existing flood risks
  • enhance and maintain our stormwater systems
  • raise awareness of flood risks
  • be more prepared for flood events.

Our programme goals 

Making Space for Water is made up of seven initiatives to help deliver its goals:

Initiative Goals
​Blue-green projects

​Develop stormwater projects in critical flood risk areas to increase stream capacity and divert more water away from private properties.

Work may include:

  • creating natural stream features to improve water flow
  • improving parks and stream banks
  • upgrading bridges and culverts to handle more water.

We might need to buy properties in flood-risk areas for these projects.

Visit Blue-green networks for more information.

Stream and waterway resilience

​Look at the whole area (catchment) to identify critical streams and waterways and prioritise improvements.

This approach can more efficiently help reduce flood risks and improve water quality in these areas.

Increased maintenance

Increase maintenance of the stormwater system to reduce flooding.

This includes:

  • clearing blockages
  • upgrading drainage systems
  • street sweeping.
Flood intelligence

​Invest in tools and systems to better-predict when and where flooding might occur.

This will help improve public warning systems and make data more accessible to the public.

​Overland flow path management

​Improve natural overland water flow paths across the region to better-manage heavy rain.

This includes:

  • teaching residents how to maintain overland flow paths on their properties
  • addressing issues where water does not flow properly on public land.
Community flood resilience
  • Run public education awareness campaigns to build community flood resilience.
  • Work with local organisations and groups on projects to reduce flood risk.
  • Provide advice to those living in flood-risk areas.
Rural settlements infrastructure
  • ​Improve stormwater, wastewater, and drinking water infrastructure at key rural sites like marae and community halls.
  • Collaborate with Auckland Transport to upgrade road drainage in flood-prone, rural areas.

More information

Email for more information about the Making Space for Water programme.

Check our Flood Viewer to learn about flood risks at your property and how to minimise their impact.

Report a flooding issue or a blocked drain or stream

Call us on 09 301 0101 to report a stormwater issue.

You can contact a plumber or drainlayer for blockages on private property.

Visit Tāmaki Makaurau Recovery for 2023 storm recovery information.

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