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How we manage stormwater

What we do to manage stormwater

Our Healthy Waters department handles stormwater management and flood protection.

Healthy Waters manage storm-related hazards and waterborne contamination (such as diseases or chemicals) through an open, interconnected system of man-made stormwater systems and natural waterways across the Auckland region.

It also manages the small water supply and wastewater systems that service our rural community facilities in our public reserves and parks.

Built stormwater assets

Man-made public stormwater infrastructure:

  • collects and carries rainwater from properties and roads
  • prevents pollutants from reaching places where stormwater is discharged.

Assets we manage:

  • 6300km of pipes
  • 154,000 manholes
  • 120,000 catchpits or roadside drains
  • 3700 outfalls where stormwater discharges to the sea
  • 325 detention and treatment man-made stormwater ponds and wetlands
  • 3000 rain gardens, tree pits and other water-sensitive infrastructure
  • more than 600 stormwater treatment devices.

Natural stormwater assets

Rainwater finds its way to the coast through a system of overland flowpaths, streams and waterways. It passes through soil, sand and cracked rock to refill the underground aquifers.

Natural wetlands reduce pollutants and protect aquatic ecosystems.

For more information on natural wetlands, see Wetland ecosystems and where to find them.

Stormwater bylaw

The stormwater bylaw helps protect our waterways by ensuring stormwater systems are of a consistently high standard across Auckland.

For more information, see the Stormwater Bylaw.

Auckland region Network Discharge Consent (NDC)

The NDC sets out a range of requirements for connecting to the stormwater network and assets to be transferred to council ownership.

For more information, email our Healthy Waters team.

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