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Aukatia te horapa a te kīrehe orotā

Prevent pests from spreading

Help us keep your favourite spots pest-free for future generations by following these guidelines.

Check and clean your gear

Thoroughly check and clean your vehicle, gear and any other items you transport:

  • after visiting an area where there are known pests
  • before visiting offshore islands, which are often free of pests.         

Read Visiting the Hauraki Gulf islands for information on protecting our islands.

Thorough checking and cleaning minimises the spread of:

  • weeds on land and in water
  • pests like Argentine ants
  • soil-borne diseases like kauri dieback disease.

Do not release pests

Do not release any pest animals or unwanted pets into the wild. This includes:

  • mice
  • red-eared slider turtles
  • goldfish
  • rainbow lorikeets.

Visit Care for the environment by being a responsible pet owner for information on how to find your pet a new home.

Check the Regional Pest Management Plan (RPMP) to see the pest plants and pest animals we manage.

Do not spread marine pests

Marine species spread by hull fouling and getting into ballast water.

Make sure you:

  • clean your hull out of the water before you leave, including the propeller and anchor
  • clean all recreational gear including fishing and diving gear
  • check the Marine Pests website for marine biosecurity rules in other regions before leaving Auckland.

Guidelines for hull cleaning


Make sure your hull is 'Clean below, Good to go!'

Where and when you should clean the hull of your boat

Where and when you clean your hull depends on how much fouling is on your hull. To assess the degree of fouling, see the Level of Fouling Guideline on Knowledge Auckland.

A slime layer on a vessel hull, regardless of origin, may be cleaned in-water.

If your vessel has more than a slime layer, you need to follow specific guidelines to ensure you comply with:

Read the guidelines

This is a summary of the rules. If you are not sure, contact us on 09 301 0101 to avoid fines or other penalties.

To check whether your boat should be cleaned in or out of the water, follow these two steps.

Step 1: Check your hull

If you have any of the following marine pests on your hull, clean your vessel out of water to avoid releasing them into the marine environment:

Step 2: Check your location

It is always safest to clean your vessel out of the water, especially if you have arrived from outside the Auckland region.

Visit Find a haul-out for a directory of haul-out facilities so you can clean your boat safely out of water.

If you are certain you do not have marine pests on your vessel, you may be able to clean your vessel in the water, depending on where you are.

Read the guidelines in the 'Navigating the Rules' document to find out where and how you can clean in the water.

If you are cleaning in-water, follow these simple guidelines to do it safely:

  • use a gentle, non-abrasive technique to avoid hull damage when cleaning
  • use the consistent cleaning method recommended by the coating manufacturers
  • collect as much biofouling waste as possible to avoid contamination.

If you see anything you think might be a new pest not already in Auckland, you must stop cleaning immediately and contact the Ministry of Primary Industries on 0800 80 99 66.

You should know

You can be fined up to $100,000 (or $200,000 for corporations) if you do not maintain the hull of your vessel or you clean your vessel in a way or in a place that could spread invasive marine pests.

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