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Kimi me te āta tā i ngā kōrero ā-reiti kei a GeoMaps

Find and print rates information in GeoMaps

Find rates information

Step 1: Locate the property you want to find information about using one of the following options:

  • Search/Find tool screenshot showing fields for searching by address
  • Pan and Zoom and then Identify

screenshot of icon

  • Pan and Zoom and then Select by Feature (advanced)

screenshot showing how to select by feature under the advanced menu

  • Select by Attributes (advanced)

screenshot showing how to select by attributes under the advanced menu

Step 2: Choose Rates Assessment from the Results tab layer list. You will see the rates information for the selected property.

screenshot showing the rates assessment field under the tabs.

Print rates information

Follow the steps under Find rates information to search and find the property.

Step 1: Click on the Print Reports tab, which appears at the top of the results page for each property.

Step 2: Choose the Rates Report option and choose the option to Print to PDF.

Screenshot of GeoMaps section which shows how to find and print rates information.

Step 3: Once report has generated, select open to load or save the report.

To view the results of any other property, move to another location or search for another property and the map will refresh to the new selection.