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Huia Replacement Water Treatment Plant (WTP) Project328Huia Replacement Water Treatment Plant (WTP) ProjectWatercare Services Limited has applied for regional resource consents and a land use consent under the Resource Management (National Environmental Standard for Assessing and Managing Contaminants in Soil to Protect Human Health) Regulations 2011 (NES Soil) for enabling earthworks, vegetation removal and associated activities related to the Huia Replacement Water Treatment Plant (WTP) project. The application relates to three sites owned by Watercare as follows: the Replacement WTP site on the corner of Manuka Road and Woodlands Park Road; a new reservoir located on the northern side of Woodlands Park Road (Reservoir 1); and the existing Huia WTP site (where a second 25 ML reservoir is to be located once the existing Huia WTP has been decommissioned). The application also includes enabling earthworks to provide for the North Harbour 2 watermain valve chamber and tunnelling reception shaft within the Reservoir 1 site. The proposal involves earthworks and vegetation removal, including in a Significant Ecological Area (SEA) overlay, and stream works including the reclamation and diversion of a small length of intermittent stream. Resource consents are also sought for the diversion and discharge of groundwater and stormwater, and the disturbance of potentially contaminated land. The application will be assessed overall as a non-complying activity. The land on which the WTP and reservoirs are located is designated under the Auckland Unitary Plan for ‘Water supply purposes – water treatment plants and associated structures’ (designation reference 9324 – Huia and Nihotupu Water Treatment Plants). Works undertaken in accordance with this designation do not require a land use consent (other than in respect of the NES Soil). Therefore land use activities, including the construction of the replacement WTP and reservoirs and associated traffic and noise effects do not form part of this application, and instead will be addressed through an outline plan of works (OPW) that Watercare will submit to Auckland Council as required under section 176A of the RMA in relation to its designation. Watercare Services LimitedBUN60339273 LUC60339274, LUS60339442, WAT60339409, DIS60339275, DIS603394414/08/2019 8:00:00 p.m.2/09/2019 5:00:00 a.m.Paul Jones Watercare Services Limited Private Bag 92521 Wellesley Street

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  Resource Consents

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  Auckland 1142

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