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Coastal Marine Area (Off-shore from Pakiri)397Coastal Marine Area (Off-shore from Pakiri)To extract up to a total of 2,000,000m³ of sand from an area of 44km² within the coastal marine area over a 20 year period. Extraction between the western boundary of the sand extraction area (being the 25m isobath) and the 30m isobath is limited to 150,000m³ per annum, and there is no annual limit between the 30m and 40m isobathsKaipara LimitedCST603433737/05/2020 12:00:00 p.m.4/06/2020 11:00:00 a.m.David HayOsborne Hay (North) LimitedPO Box

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  Resource Consents

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  Auckland 1142

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