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Auckland “Mid-shore” Sand Extraction Site – Coastal Marine Area (Off-Shore from Pakiri)482Auckland “Mid-shore” Sand Extraction Site – Coastal Marine Area (Off-Shore from Pakiri)McCallum Bros Limited has applied for resource consents to extract sand from between the 15m and 25m isobaths, from an area of 6.6km2 along 10.4km of the Pakiri Beach shoreline. The proposed extraction volumes include an annual average of up to 125,000m3 /year over any consecutive 5 year period, and a maximum rate of 150,000m3 over any 12 month period, with the temporal distribution of the extraction volume being limited to a maximum of 15,000m3 over any consecutive 30 day period and to be spatially balanced between a series of extraction cells located along the beach. A 35 year consent is sought.McCallum Bros LimitedBUN60369079CST60369190, DIS6036919114/10/2021 11:00:00 a.m.10/12/2021 10:55:00 a.m.Shayne ElstobMcCallum Bros LimitedPO Box

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Auckland Council

  Resource Consents

  Private Bag 92300

  Auckland 1142

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You must also send a copy of your submission to the applicant.

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