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3 Pigeon Mountain Road, Half Moon Bay6503 Pigeon Mountain Road, Half Moon BayA land use consent is sought to construct 87 dwellings, including associated earthworks, access, parking and infrastructure, as a restricted discretionary activity. A water permit is sought to divert groundwater in association with the proposed earthworks, as a restricted discretionary activity. A subdivision consent is sought to undertake a fee simple subdivision in a single stage around the proposed development, as a discretionary activity. HND HMB LimitedBUN60419132(LUC60419133, SUB60419134) & WAT6042359013/10/2024 11:00:00 a.m.11/11/2024 10:55:00 a.m.Yujie GaoCampbell Brown Planning LimitedPO Box

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Auckland Council

  Resource Consents

  Private Bag 92300

  Auckland 1142

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