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Tohu whaimana tūturu

Lawfully established signs

If you have an existing business sign that does not comply with the Signs Bylaw 2022 (PDF 2MB), or the Auckland Unitary Plan (including current operative parts of district plans), it can remain in place if:

  • the sign lawfully complied with the previous bylaws, unitary or district plan, or has a council-issued permit, approval, exemption or resource consent
  • the sign continues to comply with any relevant conditions, such as conditions of an exemption or resource consent
  • the size, form and placement of the sign stays the same
  • the sign complies at all times with the general rules for all signs in clauses 23 to 29 of the Signs Bylaw 2022, such as the rules for illumination and changeable messages on signs
  • the sign is not a portable, stencil, poster, banner, real estate, vehicle or event sign as explained in clauses 11 to 18 of the Signs Bylaw 2022.

You can read a full description of the rules in part five of the Signs Bylaw 2022.

If you are not sure if your sign complies

Call us on 09 301 0101 if you are not sure if your sign complies with the Signs Bylaw 2022.

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