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Auckland Council The Auckland Plan

Te whakamāramatanga o te Mahere o Tāmaki Makaurau 2050

Auckland Plan 2050 explained

The Auckland Plan 2050 is our long-term spatial plan to ensure Auckland grows in a way that will meet the opportunities and challenges of the future.


It is required by legislation to contribute to Auckland’s social, economic, environmental and cultural wellbeing.

Auckland Council developed the Auckland Plan 2050 with and for all Aucklanders.

Auckland now has a shared responsibility to implement it.

The plan outlines the big issues facing Auckland and recommends ways Aucklanders and others involved in the future of Auckland can best respond to them.

The Future Development Strategy and six outcomes set Auckland's strategy to 2050.

They consider how we will address the key challenges of high population growth and environmental degradation, and how we can ensure shared prosperity for all Aucklanders.

The plan is intended to set high level direction for Auckland. It does not contain a detailed set of actions.

Read about the specific requirements of the plan in sections 79 and 80 of the Local Government (Auckland Council) Act 2009 on the New Zealand Legislation website.

The 2012 Auckland Plan and why we revised it

The first Auckland Plan, produced in 2012, was a landmark document covering every aspect of Auckland life and economy. It was accompanied by a highly detailed series of objectives and targets, and progress has been made towards achieving them.

One of its provisions was that it would be reviewed after six years.

Our fast-changing world meant that the 2012 plan no longer provided the necessary direction for decision-making.

The Auckland Plan 2050, adopted in June 2018, is a more streamlined spatial plan with a simple structure and clear links between outcomes, directions and measures. It shows how Auckland is expected to grow and change during the next 30 years.

The evidence report ‘Developing the Auckland Plan 2050’ provides further information on the process undertaken to develop the plan and how the issues identified with the 2012 Auckland Plan have been addressed.

​The terms 'we', 'us' and 'our' used in this plan refer to Auckland and Aucklanders. Specific organisations or agencies are identified by name.

What is in the Auckland Plan 2050?

The Auckland Plan 2050 describes Auckland in general terms, outlines the major challenges that we face, and sets the direction for tackling these challenges. It includes the values that will shape how we work together, and it identifies key organisations that will play important roles in creating our shared future.

The plan reflects knowledge and experience gained since the first Auckland Plan was released. It also uses the latest available statistical information and research to inform us of the realities of life in Auckland.

We update this information periodically.


Our research and engagement has identified six important areas in which we must make significant progress, so that Auckland can continue to be a place where people want to live, work and visit.

For each area the plan describes the desired outcome, why it is important for Auckland's future and what we need to focus on to bring about change.

​Belonging and participation

All Aucklanders will be part of and contribute to society, access opportunities, and have the chance to develop to their full potential.

Read more about the Belonging and participation outcome.

Māori identity and wellbeing

A thriving Māori identity is Auckland's point of difference in the world - it advances prosperity for Māori and benefits all Aucklanders.

Read more about the Māori identity and wellbeing outcome.

Homes and places

Aucklanders live in secure, healthy, and affordable homes, and have access to a range of inclusive public places.

Read more about the Homes and places outcome.

Transport and access

A low-carbon, safe transport system that delivers social, economic and health benefits for all Aucklanders.

Read more about the Transport and access outcome.

Environment and cultural heritage

Aucklanders preserve, protect and care for the natural environment as our shared cultural heritage for its intrinsic value, and for the benefit of present and future generations.

Read more about the Environment and cultural heritage outcome.

Opportunity and prosperity

Auckland is prosperous with many opportunities and delivers a better standard of living for everyone.

Read more about the Opportunity and prosperity outcome.

Future Development Strategy (FDS)

The Future Development Strategy shows how Auckland will grow and change over the next 30 years. It takes account of the outcomes we want to achieve, as well as population growth projections and planning rules in the Auckland Unitary Plan.

It provides:

  • a pathway for Auckland's future physical development
  • a framework to prioritise and coordinate the required supporting infrastructure.

Thinking about possible futures

The future is not certain and the further out we try to project or predict, the less certain it becomes. It is really important that we remain open to a range of possible technological, economic and social changes.

This series of short descriptions pose possible futures for Auckland.

They are not predictions they are merely ideas of what a future Auckland might be like.

The scenarios are:

  • Living with nature
  • Safe haven
  • The people's network
  • Whose food bowl?
  • Two speed Auckland.

This scenario is somewhat different from the others in that it describes a negative possible future if the outcomes and directions of the Auckland Plan 2050 are not achieved.

Implementation approach

The implementation section shows that the investment and actions of many people will be required to deliver the Auckland Plan 2050. It identifies the range of partners needed for successful implementation and their roles, and the methods that will be used to work together and align collaborative efforts.

Measuring progress

This section provides information on how we will monitor and measure progress.

All parts of the plan are inter-dependent. In order to make meaningful change we must make substantial progress towards achieving all outcomes.

We must also use the Future Development Strategy to coordinate and align land use with infrastructure planning and provision, to match Auckland's projected growth.


Some terms used may not be familiar to all readers so we have provided a glossary of definitions.

Hover over a word included in the glossary and a definition will appear.