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Isthmus district planning maps explanatory notes

Auckland Council District Plan - Operative Auckland City - Isthmus Section 1999 explanatory notes

  1. This set of planning maps relates to the former Isthmus section of the Auckland City District Plan.
  2. The planning maps showed the location of activity zones, public works and other constraints on land development.
  3. The information relating to particular areas was distributed between three maps:
    • Planning map 1 defines the zoning
    • Planning maps 2 and 3 define additional limitations on the use of land, like public works and other controls.
  4. All additional limitations or other controls identified on planning maps 2 and 3 have been defined by an item number in a circle: Circle with number 17 inside.
    and are referred to in Appendix A of these maps.
  5. Where an additional limitation or other control occurs on more than one map, its item number is shown on the primary reference map as a number in a circle: Circle with number 17 inside.On the secondary reference map, both the item number and primary map number are shown in a circle with text inside: Circle with text 'D06' and '17' inside. Items are ordered in the Appendix A by map number followed by item number, e.g. D06-17. Where necessary, detailed diagrams of scheduled items are shown in Appendices B and C to these maps.
  6. North point is vertical.
  7. The property boundaries shown on the planning maps are indicative only.

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