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Mahere o Parnell

Parnell Plan

A 30-year plan for Auckland’s first suburb.

About the Parnell Plan

The Parnell Plan provides direction and actions for the next 30 years to ensure Parnell continues to be a fantastic place to live, work, play and do business.

It presents:

  • the local board, council and community’s vision for the area
  • key objectives
  • strategies
  • a set of actions to achieve the objectives.

The Parnell Plan’s vision

Auckland’s First Suburb – A thriving, creative, and collaborative community that celebrates its unique natural, cultural and historic environment.

Key changes

Five key action areas have been identified for the Parnell Plan. These are priority locations where investment in mainly physical and environmental improvements can achieve change:

  • Make Parnell Station a key gateway to Parnell and the Domain.
  • Realise the Waipapa Greenway.
  • Reinforce the core of Parnell town centre as the heart of Parnell.
  • Revitalise the St Georges Bay Road warehouses area.
  • Enhance key east-west links and realise the Parnell Parks Link Greenway.

Get a copy of the Parnell Plan

​Progress on delivering the Parnell Plan

Since the Parnell Plan was adopted in December 2018 significant progress has been made on:

  • the comprehensive renewal of Parnell Baths
  • upgrades to pedestrian crossings
  • completion of bus priority lanes on Parnell Road
  • implementation of a comprehensive parking management plan.

We are working on several priority actions including identifying improvements for parks, playgrounds and, in particular, funding for the renewal of the community building on Heard Park.

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