E tono kia whakahokia atu tō utunga reiti ā-whenua
Request a refund of a property rates payment
When you can request a rates refund
You may be eligible for a rates refund if:
- your rates rebate has cleared your rates balance to 30 June and put you in credit
- you have overpaid your rates account
- your rates have been adjusted resulting in a credit balance for the year
- there has been a change in property ownership.
How to request a refund
We will credit all refunds into your bank account.
You must provide your:
- name
- daytime phone number
- property address
- reason for refund
- proof of bank account:
- scanned, pre-printed bank deposit slip
- letter from your bank
- screenshot of your internet banking account details, including your bank account name and number with the bank logo
- settlement statement from the solicitor (if the refund request is due to a change of ownership)
- proof of each payment to be refunded, for example a bank statement or bank account screenshot - (proof of payment is not needed for direct debit or internet payments made within New Zealand, where refund is to be paid back into the same bank account).
Email your request to enquiry@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz and include the relevant information specified.
Once we validate your request for refund, it may take up to 15 working days to appear on your bank statement.
How to request a refund of a penalty
If a penalty has been applied to your account, find out if you are eligible for a remission of property rates penalties.
Related topics
Get your property rates bills and valuation notices by email | | https://www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz/property-rates-valuations/your-rates-bill/Pages/sign-up-rates-bill-by-email.aspx | Get your property rates bills and valuation notices by email | Sign up to receive your property rates bills and valuation notices by email. | | | | aspx | | | | | | | | | Rates billing and payments | |
Help for low income households and community groups | | https://www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz/property-rates-valuations/help-low-income-households-community-groups | Help for low income households and community groups | Find out what financial help to pay property rates is available for low income households and community groups. | | | | aspx | | | | | | | | | Rates billing and payments | |
Rates Remission and Postponement Policy | | https://www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz/plans-projects-policies-reports-bylaws/our-policies/Pages/rates-remission-postponement-policy.aspx | Rates Remission and Postponement Policy | Information about Auckland Council's Rates Remission and Postponement Policy. | | | | aspx | | | | | | | | | Policy
Rates | |
Request a postponement of a property rates payment | | https://www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz/property-rates-valuations/help-low-income-households-community-groups/Pages/postponement-rates-for-residential-property.aspx | Request a postponement of a property rates payment | How to request a postponement of rates payments for a residential property. | | | | aspx | | | | | | | | | Rates rebates, remissions and postponements | |
3. Apply for a property rates rebate | | https://www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz/property-rates-valuations/help-low-income-households-community-groups/apply-rates-rebate/Pages/apply-rates-rebate.aspx | 3. Apply for a property rates rebate | Find out how to return your completed property rates rebate application. | Guide | | | aspx | | | | | | | | | Rates rebates, remissions and postponements | |
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