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Whakauruhia he puru ārai mātao ki ngā pātū

Install wall insulation

Check if you need a consent

You will need to apply for a building consent if you are installing insulation in:

  • an external wall
  • an internal wall that is a fire separation wall.

You do not need a building or resource consent for any other insulation projects.

Our tip

If you need help to determine if an internal wall is a fire separation wall, contact us.

​Injected wall insulation

You may need a building consent if you want to inject wet insulation or water repellent dry fibre insulation into internal or external walls.

Examples of this product include foam, mineral fibre and other such products.

This will not include the use of non-repellent organic fibres, such as wool and paper.

Before you apply for a consent to install injected wall insulation

We recommend that the insulation installer completes and submits the application on your behalf.

You will need to supply a letter authorising the installer to act on your behalf with the application.

After the insulation has been completed, your installer will also need to provide a completed Producer statement construction (PS3) Injected Wall Insulation.

The installer should be listed on our producer statement authors register.

​Injected wall insulation consent fee

You should know

Once work is completed you will need to apply for a Code Compliance Certificate (CCC). All CCC applications, including fixed fee consents, will be subject to additional charges for processing (excludes subsidised applications).
Read fee table.
Subsidised fixed fee (non-refundable) for injected wall insulation applications installed by an approved installer offering a producer statement. ​​Fixed fee of $327
Fee for injected wall insulation applications if installed by a non-approved installer.​Fixed fee of $327 plus inspection deposit fee of $195

​How to apply for a consent to install injected wall insulation

Apply online

You must complete and upload these two documents with your online application:

You will need to login to complete the online application and pay by Visa, MasterCard, Online EFTPOS or Account2Account (bank transfer).

Apply now

What to do if you cannot apply online or need help

We only accept online applications. If you need help with your online application, visit one of our libraries with council services.

Call us on 09 301 0101 to speak with our building and planning help desk if you have questions regarding your application.

​What happens next

We will process your application within 20 working days.

We will let you know the decision by email and through myAUCKLAND

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