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Apply for a resource consent to work on or around protected trees

​How to apply for a resource consent to work on or around protected trees

This excludes pruning or works within the protected root zone of notable trees.

 In person

​Bring your completed application form and supporting documents to one of our libraries with council services.

If you cannot provide digital copies of your documents, our staff will accept hard copies in person for an additional charge. The charge covers the costs involved in scanning your documents into our digital consent system.

​Cost of a resource consent application to work on or around trees

Read fee table.
Service Fee
Tree works (excludes pruning or to undertake works within the protected root zone of notable (scheduled) trees, which does not incur a deposit or charge) - Fixed fee (non-refundable, no additional charges)$670

Our tip

If your works are extensive, you may also need to include an arborist's report with your resource consent application.

What happens next

We process resource consent applications for trees within 20 working days.

We will let you know the decision by email or post.


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