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Whakamahia te pae ā-kimi, ā-kitea rawa i GeoMaps

Use the search and find toolbar in GeoMaps

You can find the search and find tool at the top of GeoMaps. The tool is one of the ways to locate and find information about features in GeoMaps.

How to use the search and find toolbar

Step 1: Click on the Search options to choose what to search by (address, road, intersection, or place). Advanced options called Find options, such as Rates account number, are also available.

Screenshot of the search and find toolbar in GeoMaps

Step 2: Type in your address of interest in the search box.

Step 3: Click on the Find button.

Step 4: Your search results will display in both the map section and the Results panel (left hand menu). It will default to the Property layer until you change the layer within the results panel.

If multiple records are returned, then you can choose from a list of results.

Step 5: See Use the results panel in GeoMaps to learn more.

Please note that the results within the Unitary Plan GeoMaps viewer displays differently.

Screenshot of search results in GeoMaps