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Te Whau Pathway Project, Between Te Atatū (convergence with State Highway 16)to Green Bay (Karaka Park),primarily within and adjoining the Coastal Marina Area, parks, and the road corridor. Various addresses, but lodged as 31 Bridge Avenue,Te Atatū South355Te Whau Pathway Project, Between Te Atatū (convergence with State Highway 16)to Green Bay (Karaka Park),primarily within and adjoining the Coastal Marina Area, parks, and the road corridor. Various addresses, but lodged as 31 Bridge Avenue,Te Atatū SouthAuckland Council (Community Facilities) is seeking resource consent to construct, operate and maintain the Te Whau Pathway, a shared path that will link the Waitemata and Manukau Harbours. This application will connect existing or consented on land portions of the shared path, totalling approximately 10.4km of path, comprising approximately 7.1km of proposed boardwalk and 3.3km of proposed footpath. The path is to be constructed both on land and within the Coastal Marine Area (CMA) in the Whau River. When located in the CMA, the pathway will be constructed in the form of a boardwalk. On land the pathway will primarily be a concrete path with some areas of boardwalk, where the topography requires. Each boardwalk structure will be approximately 4.3m in width (with 4m useable width and handrails that are proposed to be approximately 1.4m in height above the boardwalk surface, where required) and the at-grade shared path will be 3m wide, consistent with already constructed sections. The boardwalk deck will have an average height of 2.89m using the Auckland Vertical Datum. Detailed design of the structure and the final alignment of the boardwalk has yet to be confirmed. A variety of Land use consents are sought for the proposed structures, their use and occupation of the Coastal Marine Area, as well as (but not limited to) earthworks, removal of trees and vegetation, and discharges of contaminants and stormwater. The proposal is a Discretionary Activity. Auckland Council – Community Facilities BUN6033753013/11/2019 7:00:00 p.m.12/12/2019 4:00:00 a.m.Gill ThurlowAuckland Council – Community Facilities Level 3 6 Henderson Valley Road Henderson Auckland 0612 Henderson Auckland

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  Resource Consents

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  Auckland 1142

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