Notice of Requirement for a designation and associated Resource Consent applications for the Eastern Busway Stage 3C, part of the Eastern Busway Project | 603 | Notice of Requirement for a designation and associated Resource Consent applications for the Eastern Busway Stage 3C, part of the Eastern Busway Project | Notice of Requirement
Auckland Council has received a Notice of Requirement for a designation from Auckland Transport as the Requiring Authority for public works.
The Notice of Requirement is for the construction, operation, and maintenance of the Eastern Busway Stage 3C from Tī Rākau Drive adjacent to Riverhills Park, Pakuranga to Tī Rākau Drive adjacent to Guys Reserve, Botany.
Key features of the Project include:
• construction of two bridge structures across Tāmaki River
• construction of dedicated bus lanes through residential properties off Burswood Drive,
• residential properties between Torrens Road and Tullis Place, Dulwich Place and Heathridge
• Place
• construction of bus lanes through Burswood Reserve and Esplanade Reserve
• new walking and cycling infrastructure
• a new intermediate bus station at Burswood
• upgrade of stormwater infrastructure
• modifications and improvements to the road network.
Resource Consents
The proposal also includes the following Resource Consent applications:
LUC60423931 (land use consent), CST60423908, CST60423956 & CST60423957 (coastal permits) LUS60423990 (streamworks permit), DIS60423909 (discharge permit), and WAT60423930 (water permit) collectively referred to under the administration number BUN60423907.
These applications are sought for:
• vegetation clearance within/proximate to riparian areas and natural wetlands, and land disturbance, where some works are located within a Significant Ecological Area overlay and/or an Historic Heritage overlay.
• coastal reclamation, coastal marine area disturbance, mangrove removal, impact and vibratory piling, and the occupation of permanent stormwater infrastructure and permanent and temporary bridge structures within the coastal marine area associated with the construction of this infrastructure, where some works are located within a Significant Ecological Area-Marine overlay and/or an Historic Heritage overlay.
• streamworks associated with the construction of culverts, fords and stormwater outfalls.
• the diversion and drawdown of groundwater.
• the disturbance and discharge of contaminated soil.
Consent is also sought under section 98(2) Resource Management Act 1991 for the construction of the busway/legal road and associated embankment structures proposed to be located on reclaimed land (currently within the Coastal Marine Area) as a land use consent.
Viewing the Notice of Requirement and Resource Consent applications
The applicant has lodged documentation that combines the applications for the Notice of Requirement and Resource Consents for this stage.
The following documentation relates to the information associated with the resource consent applications for Eastern Busway 3 Commercial (EB3C).
Additional information that relates solely to the associated Notice of Requirement application can be viewed at:
If you don’t have access to a computer, a full set of all application documentation including technical reports can be viewed during business hours at:
• Pakuranga Library, 7 Aylesbury Street, Pakuranga
• Howick Library, 25 Uxbridge Road, Howick
• Botany Library, Level 1, Botany Town Centre, Sunset Terrace, East Tāmaki
If you have any questions about the notices of requirement, please contact us at 09 365 3786 or
If you have any questions about the Resource Consent applications, please contact: Warwick Pascoe, Principal Project Lead, Premium Consents Unit 09 301 0101 or
Making a submission
The Notice of Requirement and applications for Resource Consent have been notified together to promote integrated resource management, however they are separate statutory processes. You may submit on the Notice of Requirement and the Resource Consent applications, or submit on only one of these. Separate submissions will be required for the Notice of Requirement and the Resource Consent applications.
Any person or organisation may make a submission, but a person who is a trade competitor may do so only if that person is directly affected by an effect of the activity to which the requirement or application relates that –
(a) Adversely affects the environment; and
(b) Does not relate to trade competition or the effects of trade competition.
Submissions for both the Notice of Requirement and Resource Consent applications close at midnight Tuesday, 30 January 2024.
Making a submission on the Notice of Requirement
You may make a submission by sending a written or electronic form to Auckland Council at:
• Auckland Council, Unitary Plan Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142, Attention: Planning Technician, or
• By using the online form on the Auckland Council website at, or
• By email to: ;or
• Lodging your submission in person at Auckland Council, Libraries or offices.
Making a submission on the Resource Consents
By post
Post your completed submission to:
Auckland Council
Resource Consents
Private Bag 92300
Auckland 1142
In person
You can drop your completed submission to your nearest service centre.
You must also send a copy of your submission to the applicant.
You can also download and complete the Resource Consent submission form below.
Copy of your submission to Auckland Transport
You must serve a copy of your submission(s) on the Notice of Requirement and/or Resource Consent applications on Auckland Transport, at the address below, as soon as reasonably practicable after serving your submission on Auckland Council.
Address for service
Auckland Transport
Private Bag 92250
Attention: Sonja Lister
Ph: 021 964 104
The Eastern Busway Alliance Customer and Community team can also be contacted with any queries on 0800 287 929 (0800busway) or email
John Duguid
General Manager – Plans & Places
Natalya Yakovleva
General Manager – Regulatory Engineering & Resource Consents
| Auckland Transport | BUN60423907 | CST60423908, DIS60423909, WAT60423930, LUC60423931, CST60423955, CST60423957, CST60423956, DIS60423958 and LUS60423990 | 7/12/2023 11:00:00 a.m. | 30/01/2024 10:55:00 a.m. | Sonja Lister | Auckland Transport | Private Bag 92250 | Victoria Street West | Auckland | 1142 | | | |