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Ki te tono puka whakaaetanga ki te whakahaere kaupapa i te papa rehia, papa tākaro rānei

Apply for a permit to run a commercial activity in a local or sports park

​Before you start

Check if the park you are applying for is a local or sports park. See Apply for a permit to run a commercial activity in a regional park.

How to apply for a permit

You will need land owner approval to carry out a commercial activity in a local or sports park.

Complete the Land owner approval application form and email it to

Other things you will need

You will need a mobile trading licence to carry out a commercial activity in a local or sports park.

See Open a mobile trading business.

If you have a building consent or resource consent related to your activity, you will need to include your consent numbers.

How we assess your application

We will assess your application on the potential benefits provided by your proposed activity.

We consider the impact on:

  • other park users
  • the park’s natural, cultural, and tangata whenua values
  • the surrounding neighbourhood or community
  • other vendors in the park.

More information

Contact us and ask to speak to a Visitor Experience Advisor if you have further questions about the application process.

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