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PC 97 (Private): Redwood Park Golf Club

Closed for further submissions

About the plan change

This private plan change aims to rezone the land from Residential – Large Lot Zone to Open Space – Sport and Active Recreation Zone. The purpose of the plan change is to apply a zone that reflects the current and foreseeable use of the land as a golfing facility. 

We are processing with this private plan change on a limited notification basis.  The people we directly informed of the proposal may make a submission if they choose.  Other people may read about the proposal but cannot make a submission. For more information about limited notification see the relevant section in the Resource Management Act.


Limited Notification: 22 February 2024

Submissions closed: 21 March 2024 

Summary of Decisions Requested notified: 12 April 2024.

Further submissions closed: 29 April 2024

Plan change documents

Notification of summary of decisions requested documents

Notification documents

By email

By post