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Taupoki oru, ruahopu kua ngaro, whakanukua, pakaru rānei

Missing, dislodged or damaged manhole or catchpit cover

Report issues with public manholes, catchpits and roadside drains

Contact us urgently on 09 301 0101 if you notice missing, dislodged or damaged:

  • catchpits
  • grates and grilles
  • roadside drains
  • manhole covers.

We treat these issues as a serious risk to public safety.

Lost items in catchpits and roadside drains

Contact us on 09 301 0101 for items lost in catchpits and roadside drains.

Who maintains private manholes and catchpits

Property owners are responsible for maintaining private manholes, catchpits (drainage) and covers on their property.

For information on private stormwater assets, visit Who maintains stormwater pipes and drains.

Report issues with wastewater manholes

Contact Watercare to report issues with wastewater manholes.

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