Ngā raihana me ngā whiu waipiro
We have a full team working remotely. Online applications will continue, and processing of hard-copy applications will resume. We will offer Duty Manager interviews over video and inspections will be carried out with appropriate health and safety measures in place.
Customer meetings will be undertaken by email, phone or online conferencing (e.g. Skype) where possible. Limited onsite and in-person meetings can resume, with appropriate health and safety measures in place, including physical distancing.
Find out how to apply for a manager's certificate.
Apply for an alcohol on-licence, off-licence, club licence or temporary authority.
Find out how to apply for an alcohol special licence for sporting events, concerts, farmers’ markets, and private social gatherings.
District Licensing Committees consider and grant or renew applications for licences and manager’s certificates.
Any person can object to the grant or renewal of a licence.
If you change a duty manager at your business, you need to let us know within two working days.
Find out how to make a complaint about an existing licensed business or the terms of a licence.
Find out how to pay or dispute an alcohol fine.
If making changes to your alcohol business like extending licensed hours or adding an outdoor area, you need to apply for a change to your alcohol licence.
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To ask for help or report a problem with our services or facilities, contact us.