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Te whakahaere pakihi mahi kai ā-kāinga

Running a home-based food business

What you need to run a home-based food business

If you want to prepare kai for customers at home, there are several factors to think about.

Your site and equipment

  • If you are renting the property, do you have the landlord's permission to operate a business from the site?
  • Do you need to apply for a resource consent? To find out, call us on 09 301 0101 and ask for the planning helpdesk.
  • Do you need to apply for a building consent? To find out, call us on 09 301 0101 and ask for the building helpdesk.
  • Will your kitchen equipment and storage facilities be suitable for doing the things you plan to do?
    Is there a place to wash your hands before you start preparing kai?

Preparation and storage of kai

  • Is there enough space in your fridge and in your pantry to properly store the amount of kai you plan to make?
  • How will you keep family kai separate from commercial kai?
  • How will you store ingredients containing allergens separate from allergen-free kai for sale?
  • How will you ensure that other activities at home will not compromise when commercial kai is being prepared?
  • How will you transport the kai safely?

Keeping kai safe

  • Do you know enough to make sure the kai you sell is safe?
  • Will everyone working at the business know how to handle the kai safely?
  • How will you operate when there are sick family members at home?

Inspections of home-based businesses

  • As with any local food business operating from a commercial premises, a recognised verifier will need to visit your home to check you are following your Food Control Plan or National Programme.
  • Details of your home-based business will be placed on the public register of food businesses.

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