Kaupapa Here Hoko Papa Rēhia me te Whenua Tū Wātea Mai
Parks and Open Space Acquisition Policy
The Parks and Open Space Acquisition Policy sets the framework for acquiring new land for parks and open space.
Page Content
New land for parks and open space
We intend to acquire new land for parks and open space for Aucklanders to enjoy now and into the future. Our parks and open space network has far-reaching benefits:
- social
- environmental
- economic
- cultural.
What the policy covers
The policy recognises the need for detailed planning to identify opportunities that meet local community and regional needs.
The policy covers:
- the reasons why we acquire land for parks and open space
- the policies and legislation that influence us in acquiring parks and open space
- the methods we use to fund and acquire land for parks and open space
- how we will assess if land should be acquired for new parks and open space
- how we prioritise opportunities to acquire land for parks and open space
- when we consider disposing of parks and open space.
Get a copy of the Parks and Open Space Acquisition Policy
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