Ngā mahere, whakaaetanga me ngā rīpoata mō Maungakiekie-Tāmaki
Maungakiekie-Tāmaki plans, agreements and reports
Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board Plan 2023
Our local board plan is a three-year strategic plan that guides local board activity, funding and investment decisions. It also influences local board input into regional strategies and plans, including the Auckland Plan (the 30-year vision for Auckland), our 10-year Budget (long-term plan) and the annual budgets.
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You can request accessible Word documents of local board plans through our
contact centre or by visiting one of our libraries with council services.
Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board Agreement (budget)
The local board agreement sets out the local board's budget and funding for activities and performance measures for the financial year.
Local board agreements are part of the council's budget process. Visit One-year and 10-year budgets to find out more about our budgets.
Get a copy of the local board agreement
Read our budget plans in full.
Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board Emergency Readiness and Response Plan
In December 2024, the Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board adopted the Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board Emergency Readiness and Response Plan. This plan was developed with Auckland Emergency Management with input from the wider community.
The plan provides people in the Maungakiekie-Tāmaki area with advice and information about:
- local hazards
- preparing for emergencies
- responding during emergencies.
Read the plan and our hazard factsheet to learn:
- what you and your family should do in an emergency
- how to respond to different hazards in your area.
Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Climate Action Plan
This plan identifies opportunities in the Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board area to:
- reduce greenhouse gas emissions
- increase resilience to climate change.
It builds on our existing environment and sustainability initiatives. It focuses on eight priority areas from Te Tāruke-ā-Tāwhiri: Auckland's Climate Plan.
The eight priority areas are:
- natural environment
- built environment
- transport
- economy
- community and coast
- food
- te puāwaitanga ō te tātai
- energy and industry.
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Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Urban Ngahere Action Plan 2021
The Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Urban Ngahere Action Plan aims to recognise and replenish Tāmaki-Makaurau’s urban ngahere (forest).
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101 Church Street Concept Plan
This concept plan provides an outline for development of 101 Church Street, Onehunga as an open space to improve surveillance and discourage disorderly behaviour in the pocket park.
The concept plan proposes a design that encourages environmental gains such as a rain garden to treat the water runoffs from the road.
Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board - Joint CCO Engagement Plan 2021-2022
This plan outlines how Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board and council-controlled organisations (CCOs) will work together on community priorities.
The CCOs include:
- Auckland Transport
- Tātaki Auckland Unlimited
- Eke Panuku Development
- Watercare.
This plan also creates a framework for reporting progress.
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Waikaraka Park masterplan
This masterplan reflects the 30-year vision for the park.
It also illustrates the priorities we have set, guiding future developments and investments in Waikaraka Park.
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Captain Springs Reserve Concept Plan
This concept plan provides an outline for the future development of 156a Captain Springs Road.
The aim is to provide a safe and desirable open space by maintaining passive surveillance of the reserve.
The improved open space would also provide a waiting space for the train station as well as a greenway route.
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Fergusson Domain Master Plan
This master plan provides for a development upgrade of Fergusson Domain, Oranga to enable greater, safer and more enjoyable use for park users and local residents.
We identified key items through consultation with the community board and council's parks advisors.
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Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Greenways Network Plan
Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board has adopted the Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Greenways Network Plan.
This plan outlines a high-level vision for the development of a greenways network and identifies greenway connections across all parks, as well as the on-road connections between areas of open space within Maungakiekie-Tāmaki and neighbouring local board areas.
In this context, a greenway is defined as a corridor of open space that is managed for environmental and recreational benefits.
Greenways can follow natural land or water features such as streams or coastlines, or human landscape features such as streets, motorways or rail corridors. They can link ecological sites, parks, beaches, cultural and historic sites, schools, community facilities and town centres to each other.
Greenways can enhance habitat and food opportunities for native wildlife, improve stormwater quality and reduce flooding events, and provide people with access to outdoor recreation and enjoyment close to home.
Greenways within the Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board area aim to provide four linked outcomes:
- safe, high amenity walking connections
- safe, high amenity cycling connections
- improved ecological and stormwater outcomes, including expanded habitats, movement corridors and food sources for native fauna
- increased recreational opportunities, both from improved links between neighbourhoods and open space facilities, and also by allowing local streets to function as slow speed environments where the community can gather and socialise.
Email to request a copy of the Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Greenways Network Plan.
Mt Wellington War Memorial Reserve, Panmure Wharf Reserve Master Plan
A concept plan for the future development of Mt Wellington War Memorial Park and Panmure Wharf Reserve has been completed.
We will:
- develop a new greenway route along the coastal edge of both parks connecting into the wider greenway network
- upgrade park furniture in both parks.
- implement the signage strategy
- install art works.
Mt Wellington War Memorial Park
- Reduce the number of buildings by developing a new multi-sport facility in the northern part of the park to accommodate rugby, tennis and the Dunkirk Activity Centre.
- Close the existing public toilets and construct a new public toilet in the vicinity of the proposed new playground.
- Reconfigure the car parking in the short term to improve access to the Dunkirk Activity Centre and improve the amenity in this area.
- Upgrade and expand the existing playground; making it into a destination playground that can provide for a wider range of age groups.
- Develop new stormwater ponds to allow for stormwater to be treated and detained before entering the Tāmaki Estuary. Improve the Armein Road entry to the park.
- Improve the sports field quality by sand carpeting some of the fields.
Panmure Wharf Reserve
- Reduce pedestrian/vehicle conflict and improve access to the foreshore by realigning the existing vehicle access so traffic is rerouted behind the rowing club.
- Create a new beach and rock groyne.
- Resurface the boat ramp.
- Replace the existing jetty with a pontoon-style jetty for all tide access for water sports.
- New picnic and seating areas.
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Onehunga Bay Reserve Concept Plan
This concept plan provides an outline for the future phased development of Onehunga Bay Reserve.
It looks at the whole reserve and what enhancements we can achieve to complement the proposed Onehunga Foreshore Restoration Project.
The board recognises that the adjacent Princes Street light industrial area will change to mixed use residential, as identified in the Onehunga Principal Centre Precinct Plan, and that a high degree of connectivity with Onehunga Bay Reserve will be required.
The board plans to redevelop the reserve in the next five years. Some elements, such as the skate park and the playground, can be changed during this process.
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Tāmaki Waterway Concept Plans
These concept plans provide for the development of the Tāmaki Estuary from Wai O Taiki Bay Reserve to Panmure Basin.
The aim is to strengthen local loops and internal loops within major-sized reserves and link to local destinations, including playgrounds, work, sports and recreation, and community facilities.
The plan also proposes improved safety, stormwater control and water quality, as well as increasing natural amenity, bike stands, rubbish bins and drinking fountains for people and dogs.
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