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Mātaihia ngā raru waipuke i mua i tō hokonga, hanga whare rānei

Check for flood risks before you buy or build

​Assess flood hazards

Flood hazards are land which will be covered during heavy rainfall.

In some instances the flood water will pool in low points. In others, the water will be fast moving down a slope.

See our Flood viewer for an indication of whether there is a flood hazard on or near your property.

Our tip

Visit the property and consider the flood hazard before you buy or design the stormwater system.

​Get property information

To help you make the informed decisions, you should get:

  • a Land Information Memorandum (LIM) report. This is a summary of information about the property, and includes identified flood hazards.
  • a Property file – shows building consents, resource consents and all work done on the property.
  • a Flood risk assessment report – lists potential impacts of flood hazards on the property. Find an engineer to make this assessment on the Engineering New Zealand website.
  • Pre-application advice – explains the application process, fees, and consents and permits you may need.

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