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5. Renew your hairdresser registration

Check the expiry date on your certificate of registration and renew it on time.

We will send you a renewal application form before your expiry date. You must apply for renewal within 14 days of your expiry date to be able to continue to operate your business.

Make sure you tick the renewal box in the application form.

Your licence expiry date will be 12 months from the date of issue.

Health licence fees are non-refundable and are not pro-rated.

​How to apply and pay


See Ways to pay online for information on all payment options.


​Apply online

 In person

Bring your completed application form and supporting documents to one of our libraries with council services and pay by:

  • Eftpos
  • MasterCard or Visa.

 By post

​Send your completed application form and supporting documents to:

Auckland Council
Private Bag 92300
Victoria Street West
Auckland 1142

What happens next?

We will contact you to arrange an inspection of your business site.

If the inspection is successful, we will issue a certificate of registration and you can start trading.

We will inspect your business site each year to make sure you continue to meet requirements.