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South Frequent Transit Network: Takaanini FTN – Weymouth, Alfriston, and Great South Road Upgrades (NoR 3) Auckland Transport

Closed for submissions

About the notice of requirement

Notice of requirement lodged by Auckland Transport for Upgrades to Weymouth and Alfriston Roads between Selwyn Road / Rogers Road and Saralee Drive; and Great South Road between Halver Road and Myers Road to accommodate bus priority measures, general traffic lanes, active mode facilities (i.e. walking and cycling facilities), intersection upgrades, proposed closure of the Beaumonts Way intersection with Weymouth Road, replacement of existing bridges along Weymouth Road over the North Island Main Trunk and Alfriston Road over State Highway 1, and stormwater management..

The NoR is one of four NoRs being sought to enable the South Frequent Transit Network (South FTN) which comprises a range of proposed road upgrades along existing arterial road corridors in South Auckland including bus priority measures, new and upgraded active mode facilities (i.e. walking and cycling facilities), and intersection improvements. The South FTN network will include two FTN routes – the Great South Road FTN between Manukau and Drury; and the Takaanini FTN between Manurewa, Takaanini, and Papakura. The network also includes upgrades to adjoining key connections at Popes Road in Takaanini; and Great South Road in Drury.


Lodged on 13 October 2023

Notified on 16 November 2023.

Submissions close Midnight 14 December 2023.

Hearings - For more information, see the Hearing Documents.

Information on all supporting growth projects see Supporting Growth Programme

Recommendation notified on 21 November 2024.

Decision notified on 30 January 2025.

Appeals close on 21 February 2025.

Notice of requirement documents

Decision documents


Request for further information

Notification documents

How to view your property

 By email

 By post