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Takanini Level Crossing (TLC): Spartan Road, Manuia Road, Manuroa Road and Taka Street (NoR 1) Auckland Transport

Closed for submissions

About the notice of requirement

Notice of requirement lodged by Auckland Transport for new multi-modal bridge crossings of the North Island Main Trunk (NIMT) at Manuia Road and Taka Street; and new active mode bridge crossings of the NIMT at Spartan Road and Manuroa Road with two consequential road closures.

The Takaanini Level Crossings (TLC) Project involves two new notices of requirement for designations given by Auckland Transport for the construction, operation, maintenance and upgrade of the following grade-separated crossings of the North Island Main Trunk (NIMT) railway in Takaanini:

  • A new multi-modal bridge over the railway at Manuia Road;
  • New multi-modal bridges to replace existing level crossings at Taka Street and Walters Road; and
  • New active mode bridges to replace existing level crossings at Spartan Road and Manuroa Road.

These notices of requirement authorise works to:

  • Provide a new bridge over the rail line at Manuia Road, accommodating all transport modes, with a particular focus on providing for heavy vehicles accessing the industrial area
  • Replace current level crossings at Taka Street and Walters Road with new bridges accommodating all transport modes
  • Replace existing Spartan Road and Manuroa Road level crossings with new bridges for active modes (ie walking and cycling facilities).

The existing NIMT level crossings at Spartan Road, Manuroa Road, Taka Street and Walters Road will be closed and replaced by these crossings once constructed and operational. 


Lodged on 13 October 2023

Notified on 16 November 2023.

Submissions close Midnight 14 December 2023.

Hearings - For more information, see the Hearing Documents.

Information on all supporting growth projects see Supporting Growth Programme

Recommendation  notified on 21 November 2024. 

Decision notified on 30 January 2025.

Appeals close on 21 February 2025.

Notice of requirement documents

Decision documents


Minor Alteration to Notified NoR Extent

Request for further information

Notification documents

How to view your property

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 By post