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Te tautoko me te haumarutanga hapori

Community safety and support

Tāmaki Makaurau / Auckland is a safe and peaceful place to live and visit. We take a proactive approach to community safety issues so that shared public places can be accessed and enjoyed by all. This information will help you to feel and keep safe.

If you need immediate help


If you need urgent help from the police, ambulance or fire services, phone 111.


If you need to talk to the police and the matter is not urgent, phone 105.

​Community safety issues and concerns

 Anti-social behaviour

Anti-social behaviours are actions that threaten, intimidate or lack consideration for the safety and wellbeing of others.

The Public Safety and Nuisance Bylaw 2013 ensures everyone is able to enjoy our public spaces without experiencing these behaviours.

If you see anti-social behaviour, report it to us by phoning 09 301 0101. We will ask you for the time, date and location, as well as the kind of behaviour involved.

The information you provide will help to inform a response.

How we respond to bylaw issues

We investigate bylaw breaches that we see and that are reported to us.

We respond in a number of ways, including:

  • advice and education
  • partnering with police, security, outreach, community groups and local businesses
  • issuing warnings and bylaw notices
  • enforcement orders, infringement notices, and in serious cases, prosecution.


A trespass notice tells someone they cannot enter a store or property. These are issued, verbally or in writing, when someone is being a nuisance.

If the person who has been trespassed returns to the store or property, they are breaking the law and the police can be called.

The Citizens Advice Bureau has more information about issuing a trespass notice and has templates for written notices that you can print.


If somebody harasses you in public on at least two separate occasions (within a 12-month period) you can apply for a restraining order.

These behaviours might include:

  • following you
  • entering your property without your permission
  • unwanted or threatening phone calls or letters
  • giving you offensive material
  • doing something that makes you fear for your safety.

If you do not know the name or address of the person harassing you, you can make a complaint to the police with any information you have that could help them find and identify the harasser.

If the police identify the harasser, they can provide you with their name and address. You need these details to apply to the District Court for a restraining order.

The Community Law website provides free legal help and has more information about protecting yourself from harassment.

 Homelessness and rough sleeping

Request emergency housing

If you need emergency housing, phone Work and Income on 0800 559 009.

Unauthorised campsites

You should report tents, structures or materials that deliberately block or cause inconvenience in public places to Auckland Council on 09 301 0101.

Social services

If you have welfare concerns about a person who is homeless or sleeping rough in your neighbourhood, the outreach agencies listed here can offer help. They send trained staff into the community to meet with people and talk to them about their needs. This is not an emergency response service.

If you have immediate concerns for a person's welfare or safety, contact New Zealand Police on 111 or 105 for a non-emergency. You can also report a non-emergency online.

Contact the following organisations for outreach and social services in your area. Provide as much detailed information as possible, such as, the exact location in a park or a vehicle make/model and registration.

Auckland City Mission

Visit Advise us of someone sleeping rough on the Auckland City Mission website if you are worried about someone sleeping rough.

Visit Homeground on the Auckland City Mission website to find out more about the services they provide.



Visit the Lifewise website.

Salvation Army


7-9 View Road, Henderson

Phone: 09 837 4471



97 Glendale Road, Glen Eden

Phone: 09 818 0700

Visit the Visionwest website


Link People


Harakeke House, 15 Ronwood Avenue, Manukau

Phone: 0800 932 432

Visit the LinkPeople website.

North / Central / South / East
Kāhui Tū Kaha


Phone: 09 531 4040

Visit the Kāhui Tū Kaha website.

Auckland Council can also send the referral to an outreach provider on your behalf. Email with the details.

Learn more

Read more about Auckland Council’s commitment to reducing homelessness.

 Alcohol and drug issues

Alcohol bans

Alcohol is banned in some public places in Auckland, like parks and streets. This aims to reduce crime and disorderly behaviour.

During the hours of a ban, you cannot drink, possess or bring alcohol into those public places. These rules also apply if you are in a vehicle.

Some bans are in place 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Other bans are in place only at night or during daylight savings.

Check if alcohol is banned in your area.

Enforcing alcohol bans

The police enforce alcohol bans to help make our communities and public places safer. Police officers have the authority to remove alcohol, issue a fine, or arrest any person who refuses to comply with the Alcohol Control Bylaw.


Illegal drugs, especially methamphetamine (also known as 'P'), cause wide-ranging harm to the user, their whānau, friends and the wider community.

If you see someone using drugs and they look like they may be at risk of harming themselves or others, phone the police on 111.

If you see someone you suspect is selling drugs, contact the police on 105 or make an anonymous report to Crime Stoppers by phoning 0800 555 111.

Needle exchanges

Needle exchanges provide access to sterile needles and safe disposal of used ones.


10 East Street, Newton

Phone: 09 356 7373


605D Great South Road, Manukau

Phone: 09 263 0344

New Zealand Prostitutes Collective (NZPC)

Unit 3/2 Canada St, Newton

Phone: 09 366 6106

Unichem Eden Quarter Pharmacy

Level 2, 296A Dominion Road, Mt Eden

Phone: 09 630 0388

Learn more

If you are concerned about alcohol and drug use in your community, visit these sites for advice and information about available services:


Noise is excessive when it interferes with your peace, comfort or convenience. The level of noise that is acceptable can depend on factors such as the location of your neighbours, the time of day and the type of noise.

We have the power to control many instances of unreasonable and excessive noise. All Noise Control Officers are trained and warranted under the Resource Management Act 1991.

To make a complaint phone 09 301 0101.

Learn more about noise issues.

Public speaking

Amplified equipment for public speaking or street preaching may be considered excessive noise in certain areas.

Find out how to apply for a street performance and busking licence.

Siren cars, noise from vehicles

Sirens are fitted to privately-owned vehicles with the intention of playing music/sounds at high volume. If a vehicle causing excessive noise is caught in the act, police can issue the driver a ticket.

Who to contact

If a vehicle is making excessive noise while:

  • being driven on the road, phone the police on 105, or *555
  • parked or stopped on the roadside, noise control officers can attend and issue a directive to stop the noise. Phone 09 3010101.

 Property damage

You can Report a problem if you see damage or maintenance problems in parks, community facilities, beaches, maunga or public spaces.

If you notice illegal dumping, phone 0800 NO DUMP (0800 66 3867) at any time.

Graffiti vandalism

We remove graffiti from many places that are viewed by the public.

If the graffiti vandalism is offensive (for example, a racist term, foul or obscene language or offensive symbols) it will be removed within two hours. Other graffiti vandalism will be removed within 24 hours.

Phone 09 301 0101 or you can Report graffiti vandalism online.

Street cleanliness

Auckland Transport is responsible for issues on roads, footpaths and fixing street lights.

Phone 09 355 3553 or report a problem online.


Waka Kotahi NZTA is responsible for motorways and adjoining areas.

Report issues impacting our state highways at any time on 0800 4 HIGHWAYS (0800 44 44 49).

 Public transport safety

If you see anti-social behaviour on a bus, train, or ferry, or while waiting at a stop or station, you can report it. This includes fare evasion or if you see someone tagging (graffiti vandalism).

Report it by:

  • Free texting details to 4030. Include your bus, train or ferry route and as much information as possible.
  • Submitting a report to Crime Stoppers by calling 0800 555 111 or completing an online form. This is a safe and anonymous service used to report a crime. The information you provide will be passed on to Auckland Transport anonymously.

Auckland Transport can deploy transport officers or other suitable staff to investigate if required.

​Supporting community safety

 Personal safety

It is important to be aware of your surroundings. Staying alert can help reduce the risk of accidents or getting into situations where you may feel unsafe. Limit your phone use so that you are not distracted. This will help you to see and hear what is going on around you.

How to stay safe in public

When walking alone at night:

  • let a friend or family member know where you are
  • where possible, keep to well-lit areas where other people are
  • keep your bags containing valuables close to your body
  • keep your mobile phone where you can reach it
  • walk close to the gutter (not beside shop doorways), and face the traffic so you can see when cars are coming
  • if you think someone is following you, keep looking ahead and walk briskly. Cross the road or make your way to an area where there are other people. If you are being followed call 111 and ask for the police.

If a driver stops and asks you for directions:

  • be polite but stay out of reach
  • if you don’t trust them, walk away quickly in the opposite direction
  • do not get into a stranger's car.

How to keep safe in your car:

  • Park in well-lit, busy areas.
  • Always check your windows are up and lock your parked car.
  • Do not leave valuables in your car.
  • Keep items in your car out of sight.
  • Have your keys out and ready, when returning to your car.
  • Lock your doors and drive away. Do not spend time sitting in your car.
  • If you see suspicious behaviour, report it once you are at a safe distance.

Learn about keeping yourself safe in the community.

 Community safety organisations

Community Patrols

Community Patrols of New Zealand is a volunteer-based organisation that works with the police to create a safer and more caring community. There are over 30 groups operating around Waitematā, Auckland City, and Counties Manukau districts.

Neighbourhood Support

Neighbourhood Support is a nationwide community-led movement. They aim to create safe, resilient and connected communities.

Māori Wardens

Māori Wardens improve the wellbeing of whānau and our communities in Tāmaki Makaurau. They work with police to prevent crime and increase a sense of peace.

Business Improvement Districts (BIDs)

There are 50 local town centre business associations in Auckland. In total, they represent over 25,000 businesses.

Many have community safety initiatives and crime prevention strategies to benefit the local communities. For more information, contact your local BID.

 Crime data

It is important to report all crimes to the police as it helps them allocate patrols and tells them what they should be looking out for.

Trends are found in the information that is collected. This is made available on the police website through monthly reports which show:

  • where and when crimes happen
  • general demographic information about offenders and victims
  • activities (crime and non-crime related) that require police time.

If you are concerned about crime in your area, you can view the reports online.

 Youth and students

Young people face many challenges. Having open and honest conversations is a great way to ensure their safety and improve wellbeing.

Community support

A number of organisations work with our young people, their families and whānau.

  • What’s up? - A safe place for tamariki and rangatahi to talk. Phone 0800 942 8787.
  • Youthline - Support for all young people. Phone 0800 376 633.
  • Parent Helpline - Compassionate, friendly, non-judgemental support and advice on parenting issues. Phone 0800 568 856.

Community Action on Youth and Drugs (CAYAD)

We host CAYAD which is funded by the Ministry of Health to reduce the harm rangatahi experience from alcohol and other drugs.

CAYAD works with a range of organisations in our community, such as schools, religious organisations and youth services.


If you are starting university or regularly visiting the central city, you might experience new safety challenges.

Auckland Unlimited has helpful videos and information covering a range of issues affecting students and young people. These include safety in the city, sexual harassment, theft, fraud, employer/employee rights and mental health.

 Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED)

CPTED is an internationally recognised tool that makes communities safer through neighbourhood planning, development and maintenance. It helps to deter criminal activity, reduces the fear of crime, and increases the perception of safety.

The four principles of CPTED are:

  • Natural surveillance - people don’t want to be caught doing an illegal activity so having people using public spaces and being the ‘eyes on the street’ reduces the chances of people committing crimes.
  • Access control - locks, doors, gates, fences, barriers, and plantings can help make entry and exit points clear, reducing opportunities for crime.
  • Natural boundaries - clear boundaries between public and private spaces promotes respect for property. Elements such as fencing, pavement features, art, signs, and landscaping can help achieve this.
  • Maintenance and management - repairing broken benches, trimming overgrown trees and improving street lighting are ways to keep an area well maintained. This can help reduce unwanted activities.

Learn more about how design features can make our community safer.


Many organisations and businesses have closed-circuit television (CCTV) cameras.

We have cameras in our facilities to help reduce crime and anti-social behaviour and to promote community safety.

Auckland Transport operates thousands of cameras across the region to manage the road and public transport network.

Privacy laws ensure that no attempt is made to identify individuals from CCTV footage except when a reported or suspected incident requires investigation.

Requesting CCTV footage

If you require CCTV footage because of an incident or alleged crime, contact your local police who can request the footage. It is important to note that CCTV footage may only be stored for a limited time so a request should be made as soon as possible.

Although CCTV can help police solve crime, there is no substitute for taking precautions against crime happening in the first place.

You can download the police guide to crime prevention booklet, Be Safe, Feel Safe, in a range of different languages.

 Mental health services

Most people are connected to mental health services through a doctor. Talk to a doctor if you or someone you know is worried about mental health. They will be able to make a referral to a community mental health service.

Local contacts

Phone your nearest hospital, or your district health board’s psychiatric emergency service or mental health crisis assessment team:

If you are calling to help somebody else, stay with them until support arrives.


  • Need to talk? - support from a trained counsellor at any time. Phone or free text 1737.
  • The Depression Helpline - talk to a trained counsellor about how you are feeling. Phone 0800 111 757 or free text 4202.
  • Healthline - phone 0800 611 116.
  • Youthline - phone 0800 376 633.
  • The Lowdown - support to help young people recognise and understand depression or anxiety. Text 5626.
  • Alcohol Drug Helpline - phone 0800 787 797.

 Health and wellbeing services

Healthpoint provides up-to-date information about healthcare providers, referral expectations, services offered and common treatments.

Look for providers in your area that can help you.

How we support our community


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