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PC 42 (Private) Auckland Regional Landfill Wayby Valley


About the plan change

​This private plan change aims to introduce a new precinct into the Auckland Unitary Plan – the Auckland Regional Landfill Precinct.

The precinct will identify the Auckland Regional Landfill precinct in the planning maps, and will introduce new provisions, specific to the precinct.

The reasons for the Private Plan Change request are summarised by the applicant as follows:

  • To appropriately recognise landfills as infrastructure within the Auckland Unitary Plan, by identifying a site within Auckland that has been assessed as being suitable for a new landfill, and describing this site through the use of a precinct and managing future effects of activities within the precinct through bespoke objectives, policies and rules;
  • In anticipation of a landfill being established at the site, providing recognition of the site in the planning framework for the Auckland Region, consistent with the treatment of other largescale infrastructure in the region, and to manage potential future reverse sensitivity effects;
  • To enable efficient operation of a future landfill at the site throughout its operating life, by  targeting future re-consenting requirements to the nature of the discharge and measures to avoid, remedy or mitigate effects.

The council has also received a resource consent application to construct and operate a new regional landfill on the site.

This resource consent application has been jointly notified with this Private Plan Change request. Further information can be found here.


​Notification on 26 March 2020 .

Submissions closed on 26 May 2020.

Summary of Decisions Requested notified on 25 June 2020.

Further submissions close 09 July 2020.

Summary of Decisions Requested notified on 20 August 2020.

Further submissions close 03 September 2020.

Summary of Decisions Requested notified on 4 September 2020.

Further submissions close 18 September 2020.

Summary of Decisions Requested notified on 24 September 2020.

Further submissions close 08 October 2020.

Hearings — for more information, see hearing documents.

Decision to decline PC 42 (Private) Auckland Regional Landfill Wayby Valley notified on 10 September 2021.

Appeals close on 22 October 2021.

No appeals.


Plan change documents

Decision Documents

Notification of summary of decisions requested-24 September 2020

Notification of summary of decisions requested-4 September 2020

Notification of summary of decisions requested-20 August 2020

Notification of summary of decisions requested-25 June 2020

Notification documents

Technical reports

Compiled further information

 By email

 By post