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21 Sir Peter Blake Parade Bayswater 062248021 Sir Peter Blake Parade Bayswater 0622Submission closing date: Auckland Council must receive your submission no later than Friday, 19 November 2021. The submission period has been extended by 8 working days at the request of the applicant pursuant to s37 of the Resource Management Act. For Further details, please refer to the letter confirming the extension dated. Bayswater Marina Limited has applied for resource consents to develop the landward portion of Bayswater Marina with terraced and apartment buildings, with associated landscaping, open space, roads, infrastructure, earthworks, unit title subdivision and commercial activities. Overall, the proposal is a Discretionary activity. Bayswater Marina Holdings Limited BUN60373319DIS60373392, CST60373391, SUB60373390, LUC6037325010/10/2021 5:00:00 p.m.19/11/2021 10:55:00 a.m.Craig McGregor ShearerShearer Consulting LimitedPO Box

Supporting Documents

Make a submission

By post

Post your completed submission to:

Auckland Council

  Resource Consents

  Private Bag 92300

  Auckland 1142

In person

You can drop your completed submission to your nearest service centre.

You must also send a copy of your submission to the applicant.

You can also download and complete the resource consent submission form below.